: New version of Blogroll Browser There’s a new version of the blogroll browser this morning. Each item links to the OPML and …

: A blogroll lab I wanted to see what was out there in blogrolls, so I wrote an app that started from my own …

: it's a spam spam spam spam world manton, i listened to your podcast from this week, first time listener, first time caller. i think …

: Looking for feeds with blogrolls I’m working on a bit of demo software and need a few blogroll-supporting feeds that have a …

: Okay just one more, then I have to sign off for the night. Back in the 80s I wrote a bulletin-board …

: Okay one more post. I usually don’t start watching baseball until the basketball season is …

: I have the smoothest way imaginable to post to micro.blog, thanks to an innovation Manton did, while …

: With ActivityPub you know who’s following you and in RSS you don’t. This may sound like …

: It's not just Meta Manton responds to my post about his post about Facebook (some people call them Meta). I can never …

: Next steps in social blogrolls The dust is settling on the rollout of the new blogroll on scripting.com. I’m starting to work …

: Welcome to the modern age of blogrolls My blog once again has a blogroll. I wanted to post about it here on micro.blog because it has basic …

: Rebooting the blogroll bootstrap This is a cross-post of something I just wrote on my main blog. I wanted it to be in the flow here …

: This is a cross-post of something I just wrote on my main blog. I wanted it to be in the flow here …

: PPPS: I’m having flashbacks to “Manila”. We’re using GitHub more or less the …

: PPS: I have to write a short “what is a blogroll” doc, re OPML and RSS. There’s …

: PS: Blogrolls are where the social web started.

: That’s imho the best part.

: We’ve been working together behind the scenes to make sure his stuff interops with mine.

: His micro.blog system is pioneering a new form of blogrolls.

: Manton is doing great work.

: The new version of news.scripting.com is up. It’s been a long time coming. It looks a lot like …

: Random thought – maybe the fastest way to get full ActivityPub support for WordPress is to …

: What tool would you use to create and edit a blog roll? Suppose I asked you to create a machine-readable blogroll. For each blog you had to include a link …

: Looking for bloggers, developers, reporters, columnists, who focus on new applications of AI. Please …

: When you’re making the rounds of various Twitter-inspired systems, which do you go to first, …

: Textcasting: Applying the philosophy of podcasting to text. textcasting.org

: What's Manton's new killer feature? Manton has been teasing a new feature coming for micro.blog in the next few weeks. I wonder if …

: I asked ChatGPT to draw a “social network for writers.” I love what it came up with.

: Writer-friendly services & textcasting It’s been a while since I posted here. I wanted to take a step back because I getting an idea …

: Compared to graphic PCs, the web was always limited in the styling it could use, but the social …

: This came from the experience we all had trying to cross-post to a variety of different places. For …

: What I have been advocating, for many years, but just recently gave it a name, is textcasting.

: It’s been a while since I posted here. I wanted to take a step back because I getting an idea …

: Yesterday there was a meeting with people from Meta about their plans to support ActivityPub in …

: It seems like HTTP requests these days, generally, don’t come with a referer header? Links and …

: I asked ChatGPT how I used OPML to share lists of feeds. The story it came back with is amazing. I …

: Back in the 1970s when SQL was new, it was touted as an English-like database language. Now with …

: I’ve used plain old HTTP on scripting.com since 1994.

: Someday there will be a new twitter-like service with one feature that will blow the doors off this …

: A WordPress plugin that adds the source:markdown element to RSS feeds from the special projects …

: Manton, I just noticed that none of my August posts have gotten through, and just traced it to the …

: A few weeks ago my news product passed the home page in daily reloads. As of yesterday it’s …

: I’m doing a demo for a friend of how I post from Drummer to micro.blog.

: It’s been a while since I looked at the everything timeline in FeedLand. In the interim, a …

: I’ve been writing for my micro.blog site alongside my main blog, Scripting News, and my …

: An open voicemail to Manton Reece, developer of micro.blog, about creating a common API for social …

: If Facebook really loved the open web they’d hook Facebook itself up to it. Support RSS feeds …

: I’ve seen people use the term social web where previously they’d say social media. I …

: New way of displaying posts without titles in FeedLand. Also a better way to See more and less.

: I’m echoing my blog posts on a WordPress site. I recently got my connection to WordPress going …

: On this day in 2003, Chris Lydon and I did the first podcast in his 20 year series, certainly the …

: There’s hope for a bootstrap pairing of the open web and social nets to create a pretty good writing …

: All my freedom as a developer comes from the integrity of the web. More here.

: Write specs for humans I like to write specs for humans. Imho too many specs are organized the way a computer would want …

: If I would describe a human co-worker as “intelligent” then I would use the same word to …

: Mastodon, Bluesky and Twitter should not be silos relative to each other. I’m starting to post …

: Bluesky People Browser: I’m playing with ideas of how to browse around a network of followers …

: My linkblog flows through WordPress. It’s a social networking app too. Also flows through …

: Now that we have RSS feeds and OPML subscription lists for Bluesky, I can start developing apps that …

: We need a new MetaWeblog API to cover all social networks APIs. It’s gotta happen. The sooner …

: Apparently, all of a sudden, with almost no fanfare, the Bluesky folks have released their code …

: Toward a common API in social web apps Demo of Firesky, a firehose for Bluesky. It quickly scrolls all posts on Bluesky through a vertical …

: How I edit my micro.blog posts Every so often I feel a post that I’ve written on Scripting should also be on micro.blog, as I …

: I think we should work together to create a great library of Hello World apps for all social …

: As a writer, these are the features I want all social media apps to support. It’s a good time …

: Quitting Twitter doesn’t protect from what Musk is threatening NPR with. Not hard to imagine …

: It’s time to completely reconstitute the Supreme Court.

: A new role for micro.blog? I’m getting ready to switch over to the new linkblogging code that’s built into …

: Developer response to Twitter cutoff It’s been interesting to contrast various developer’s responses to Twitter cutting off …

: New feature: Embedding Mastodon toots in Drummer blogs.

: I asked ChatGPT to write a story containing 75 words to use in a test post for a new FeedLand …

: A cool feature for FeedLand users. When you Like an item, it’s automatically added to two …

: While my posts on Mastodon tend to be better-distributed than my Twitter posts, the …

: I asked ChatGPT what was the first weblog. And note, the response is archived on my own site, …

: Manton is our eyes and ears from BlueSkyLand. I applied for a beta, but wasn’t given one. Just …

: NetNewsWire will support Markdown in the 6.2 release. Brent Simmons describes it here. This is …

: I made some improvements to Manton’s Drummer-to-Micro.blog work he did last year. I’ve …

: December 28: Writing on the web could be much better than it is. I have always believed that the web …

: Good morning. I’ve been asking about where we meet to discuss ideas on my blog. A place we can …

: Manton is a friend, but I don’t agree with him on character limits in blog posts.. I hope in a …

: After a 20-day absence my micro.blog is back. I think finally all the corner-turns are done. It took …

: You can’t trust corporate APIs. The only ones you can trust are open APIs that aren’t owned by …

: A little story I probably have written before. I once made an exciting product called Frontier just …

: I can now settle the age-old debate about what is and isn’t a podcast. If at the end of your …

: Eli Pariser: “First thoughts on Artifact, the new news reader from the Instagram guys. Right …

: To anyone who cares about ActivityPub, Peter Zingg provides a great roadmap for what’s needed …

: The last few minutes of an NBA game are the best. You can space out till then.

: The open source release of FeedLand is on the way. 🚀

: I did a top level demo of FeedLand for a friend all in one Mastodon post. Having 500 chars to work …

: Who owns the web? I asked ChatGPT who owns the web. This is what it said. The World Wide Web is not owned by any …

: Clearly what will drive the microblogging market outside Twitter is Mastodon not ActivityPub. …

: New version of davemail package. Since this is part of FeedLand it means that we can send …

: Why aren’t we marching over the Dobbs decision?

: My apps still work with the Twitter API. I don’t think any developer should try to make hay …

: I work for the betterment of the network we all share. I’m not trying to get rich or famous, …

: We have too many timelines. One is the right number. :-)

: A new this.how doc: Rule 1 means no breakage.

: Even though I have far fewer followers on Masto, I get much more engagement there than on Twitter. …

: I’d like to have a personal social net that’s coffee house size. Play a few tunes, have …

: Likes in FeedLand When you Like something in FeedLand it is added to two feeds: A Like feed for all FeedLand users. A …

: Likes considered harmful? On Micro.blog there’s a debate about whether Likes are harmful. Some of my observations from …

: My view of how blogging should work is you start with twitter-size nuggets, write another and …

: A MetaWeblog API ==> ActivityPub gateway in Node.js would be just the thing.

: What we have needed for many years: A simple user-facing storage system that apps can be given …

: Tantek is right. Read every word in this piece. The only thing I’d change is calling this …

: I think the posts look better in the Posts list, than they do in the blog rendering.

: Since Micro.blog supports Markdown I can get indentation by typing *’s in front of each …

: I am in interop mode Looking for products that can interop on the basis of RSS or OPML primarily. That’s what …

: What’s cool about watching the Speaker rollcall for the fourth time is that we get to review …

: I want to find Drummer or FeedLand users who are on Micro.blog so I can follow. If you see this …

: BTW, to Mason, there’s a lot of nice stuff we could do in the Drummer ==> Micro.blog …

: A new year’s resolution for developers – find someone whose product yours can interop …

: I hear there is an update to the logging function so I may get more info after writing this post.

: Thanks to @sod I now have a link to the micro.blog log for my blog. Let’s see what shows up …

: Another test post. Let’s see if this shows up in the time timeline immediately. )

: Making it update immediately In this thread, Manton says I can make the RSS reader in MB read the feed for this blog immediately. …

: Does this work? Now the question – does this connection between Drummer and Micro.blog mean that effectively …

: Observations on Drummer => Micro.blog As I’ve said before, it’s a very nice implementation by Manton. Drummer scripting is …

: I got an email back from Manton confirming what I had figured out. The Timeline in micro.blog is in …

: I tried updating the previous post to see if it would show up in the post. It did. So I get to …

: I sent a question to the Help email address for Micro.blog. I wanted to know how to make items from …

: My first post of 2023 on Micro.blog via Drummer.

: Another question. I want to write for micro.blog using Drummer. I have it all set up per …

: This is a test. If you see this on the timeline, please respond, or send me an email at …

: Testing Micro.blog and Drummer I tried it back in October, but I had so many ways to post to micro.blog, it was too much, so …

: We should all adopt a Natural Born Blogger and help them get started and tied into the feed network. …

: Feeds are for writers and readers. github.com/scripting…

: Titleless items demo/reference implementation I decided to spend a day putting together a demo of how feed readers can deal with feeds that have …

: I just wrote a new explainer for rssCloud, a protocol that’s been part of RSS since 2002. …

: New ways to interop, part #209 If you use FeedLand you can follow my Mastodon posts via this feed. feedland.org Just click the …

: Radio3 & Mastodon TL;DR – Radio3, my linkblogging tool, can now post to Mastodon. How – using their API. …

: Report on my exploration of Mastodon for micro.blog people I’ve been using Mastodon for a couple of weeks now, as much or more than I use twitter. …

: A programming note this morning i cleaned out the list of feeds that were hooked in here. i need to restore sanity. i …

: @KeithOlbermann @kanyewest Because he said he wanted to kill Jews and that's how the fucking …

: WikiLeaks' Website Is Slowly Falling Apart. …

: @Gartenberg Where?

: Supreme Court clears way for House to get Trump's taxes. …

: ½ I have very vague but strong memories of the JFK assassination. I was 8, in second grade, …

: 2/2 Kennedy was President, but he was the only president I had known. The idea of someone other than …

: When the Treatment of Last Resort Becomes a Life in Limbo. …

: Twitter is like that Joni Mitchell song, you take paradise and put up a parking lot. They paved …

: Legal Retail Marijuana Is Just Around the Corner. …

: Tumblr to add support for ActivityPub, the social protocol powering Mastodon and other apps. …

: To https://t.co/wJoorewQI0 users. If twitter turned us off for some reason you’d still be able to …

: How Stochastic Terrorism Uses Disgust to Incite Violence. …

: Inside Trevor Noah’s Decision to Leave The Daily Show and What Comes Next. …

: 1/3 Don’t underestimate the importance of Masto. It’s like the internet itself, or AWS making it …

: Matt Mullenweg says Tumblr will support ActivityPub, and in doing so will peer with Mastodon. Good …

: @AConanTroutman @reckless That’s such a millennial thing to say.

: I’m glad Masto pulled it off so far. I signed up for the $8 a month plan. Seemed like a fair price. …

: @photomatt — I heard you’ve committed to support ActivityPub on Tumblr. Was looking for …

: @workout_fox Yeh no doubt.

: @Jason Singin my song! 😀

: Amazon Alexa is a “colossal failure,” on pace to lose $10 billion this year. …

: @Gartenberg @Apple Smart move.

: @reckless He’s not a boomer. Geez.

: NY approves 1st weed dispensary licenses. …

: @tomcritchlow @jarango I RTd your reply, let’s see if what you want exists in a form you can use.

: @jarango @tomcritchlow What kind of blog software do you want? I hear that WordPress already has …

: Reminder to Dems. The campaign doesn't stop when the election is over. Always be selling.

: Is Twitter the Elon Musk Adoration Convention or a world wide communication platform that fades into …

: Interesting post about "Users and developers party together" from Adam Curry's weblog …

: In the early days of podcasting our motto was "Users and developers party together." …

: @TommyBeer Good lord. he hasn't begun to understand how his bs is felt by Jews. And of course …

: @brijwhiz The best way to thank the initial podcasting community, is to help us do it again. …

: Paranoid thought -- what if Elon sold the archive of our DMs to Russia for $15 billion. I think they …

: In the age of Mastodon, we’re going to rely more on our blogs because we will be able to.

: Imho it's all about interop Another idea about and for micro.blog. I think what matters right now more than usual is interop. I …

: The role Twitter plays from a micro.blog perspective I know this community, in general, dislikes Twitter and thinks it would be fine if it blew up. I …

: Anyway, when ActivityPub and RSS merge we will have a fantastic social network along with the news …

: We have a new feature in FeedLand – outbound RSS. This means that not only can you read feeds …

: Bridges are cool I'm just looking for a way to put up a simple Node app that peers with Mastodon. To get started …

: The same data in XML and JSON. Try clicking, see what happens. scripting.com/rss.json …

: Elon Musk said something horrible and this is causing some people to get serious about qutting …

: There needs to be a Busy Developers Guide To ActivityPub.

: So Fox Sports, could we possibly get our MLB without the ultra fascist ads?

: Someone else's feed list I've been working on a new product called FeedLand. It's all about community, so are careful …

: Semafor's outline format Anyway, it's interesting that Semafor is using an outline format much as Axios is. I love the …

: Semafor's feed? I’m looking for a feed to subscribe to for semafor.com. It’s a promising site, and I …

: Where's the feed? I'm looking for a feed to subscribe to for https://t.co/D0tw7MDGPz. It's a promising site, …

: Now I just wonder where the post went? I posted something a minute ago, and by all indications it went through.

: I am using Drummer to post to Micro.blog Manton’s instructions were very easy, the design is beautiful. Now, let’s see if it …

: One thing I really miss on micro.blog is a Like button. It’s a very concise message you can …

: My tweetfeed in micro.blog and getting a sense of what micro.blog's limits are I linked my tweetfeed feed to micro.blog last night. Since then I’ve posted a number of …

: Interesting. Manton just announced better support for ActivityPub here on micro.blog. …

: Newbie question There’s still a lot I don’t know about micro.blog, so please forgive if I missed …

: Ooooh oooh (said like the Horshack from Welcome Back Kotter). It works it works. Since it supports …

: Okay I can’t remember if the renderer supports markdown, let’s find out. ;-) These are …

: I always laugh out loud when something just works. Most things don’t. :smile:

: It worked, I found the feed, it was linked to from the home page on dave.micro.blog. The experiment …

: I’m looking for the feed of my posts here. Want to check it out with the feeder mailbox reader …